Part 78: Bonus Congress of Cádiz - Part 4
The Congress of CádizPart 4: The Fate of the Levant
It doesnt take very long for the Majlis to pick a side in the Balkan Crisis, voting overwhelming in favour of partitioning the Serbian Republic.

As the main proponent of the partition, Russia takes a leading role this round, using its hard-won influence to coerce several other congress powers into backing its plan. Both Bavaria and Hungary are only too happy to pledge their support, however, hoping that a divided Balkans would make it easier for them to become great powers in their own right.

The main opposition to this plan, predictably, comes in the form of Morocco. Campaigning on the platform of peace in the Balkans, Morocco loudly criticises the Russians for their transparent attempt to destabilise the peninsula, and proclaim themselves the protectors of Serbia.
And in a surprising twist, the Dual Monarchy of France-England backs the Berbers, despite the fact that the Russians had supported them in the previous round of voting. Hannover also announces its support of a large, powerful Serbia, hoping to draw Russian attention away from Germany.

And with that, the final vote tally is at six for option A (Russia, Al Andalus, Bavaria, Hungary, Armenia) and six for option B (Morocco, Hannover, France, Egypt). In the event of a tie, the stalemate is decided in favour of the side with the most great powers, so the Congress announces that an enlarged Kingdom of Serbia will dominate the Balkans, with its conquests intact.

The representatives of Hungary immediately begin protesting, citing the promises that the Moroccan Sultan made to them at the height of the Tirruni Wars, but it isnt long before theyre drowned out in favour of moving to the next item on the agenda: the fate of the Levant.
For the past 400 years, the Levant has been the cause of countless wars between Armenia and Egypt, with Syria and Palestine becoming the battleground of a dozen wars between 1444 and 1836. Now, it is time to finally settle this hotly-contested issue, and bring peace to the Eastern Mediterranean.
The first option is also the simplest: that the Levant be divided in two, with Armenia gaining control over Syria, and Egypt over Palestine. This will simply be a restoration of the status quo, however, all but guaranteeing more war and conflict between the two powers in the future.
The second and third options are more one-sided, with either the Armenians or the Egyptians gaining complete control over the Levant, respectively. Morocco hopes to strengthen Muslim Armenia, creating a bulwark against the Russian Empire, whilst the Russians hope to do the same by strengthening Crusader Egypt.
The fourth and last option is more novel: that two new states be set up as buffers between Armenia and Egypt. A Muslim-dominated Emirate of Syria in the north, and a Christian-ruled Kingdom of Outremer in the south. This option is opposed by both the Armenians and Egyptians, for obvious reasons, but will do much to alleviate tensions in the region.

So the Majlis al-Shura convenes again to decide their stance in the matter:
Option A - Restore the status quo.
Effects: Armenia gains control over Syria, Egypt gains control over Palestine.
We get a small relations hit with Armenia and Egypt.
Option B - The Levant is Armenian!
Effects: Armenia gains control over the entirety of the Levant.
We get a relations boost with Armenia and Morocco.
We get a relations hit with Egypt and Russia.
Option C - The Levant is Egyptian!
Effects: Egypt gains control over the entirety of the Levant.
We get a relations boost with Egypt and Russia.
We get a relations hit with Armenia and Morocco.
Option D - Set up neutral buffer states.
Effects: Two new states are set up, the Muslim-dominated Emirate of Syria in the north, and the Christian-ruled Kingdom of Outremer in the south.
We get a relations boost with Syria and Outremer.
We get a relations hit with Egypt and Armenia, and a smaller hit with Morocco and Russia.
Option E - Abstain from the vote.
Effects: We remain neutral in this matter, so it will be decided by the other powers. Our relations with other nations are unchanged.
Reminder that we (Al Andalus) will have 1 vote in this matter, alongside France, Bavaria, Hungary, Armenia, and Egypt. The great powers of Morocco, Russia and Hannover will have 2 votes apiece. So keep in mind that even if our chosen option doesnt win overall, the relations boost/hits will still take effect, and the other powers will remember how we voted.
Also, in the event of a stalemate, the tie is decided in favour of the side with more great powers.